There are many motivational speakers pitching the story of “success” or "how to". Fiann’s speeches differ, elaborating on what most lecturers do not. Fiann emphasizes the backstage of Explorers’ worlds and Ultra Endurance athletes’ psyche.
He combines his personal experience as an athlete and explorer with his postgraduate studies in Depth Psychology. “A unique, raw lens on the inner reality of extreme performance”. Through this prism, Fiann analyzes the psychological and neurological aspects of performance, mental strength and underlying drives in human psyche.
Fiann offers “genuine, relatable content, that empowers audiences”, staying away from conventional messages, like “achieve the impossible”, “overcome adversities”, “deal with pressure”, or "be humble and grateful", etc..... These commonly addressed aspects are only a small, glamorized part of the whole realm of the psyche of ultra endurance athletes and explorations.
He is the only ocean rower who also happens to be a professional photographer. His presentations are illustrated with world class level photographs taken during his expeditions.
In addition to world class photography, Fiann involves poetry and visual arts into his slides to create presentations with seamless synergy between psychology and ultra endurance. Fiann's lectures are complimented for bringing his multi-potential background to each carefully-crafted lecture, captivating audiences with artistic, scientific and extreme athletic experience in every engaging lecture:
Fiann crafts his speeches according to the needs of the audience. Whether edu-tainment, info-tainment, or serious psychological in-depth analysis, he introduces explorations and psychology in an approachable and digestible way, available to a general audience. So far, Fiann has spoken to the following types of audiences and offered the following content:
Corporate audience:
Fiann offers an alternative to classical motivational speeches, introducing the intersection of psychology and mental strength embarking on a journey to find out how wounds and gifts from the past generate potential for today and for the future.
Man-powered trans-oceanic voyages, pioneering and explorations. Fiann shares the experience as Captain of the most record breaking expedition in history, and the Captain of the only 3 pioneering completely human-powered expeditions into the open waters of both Polar areas (Polar Row, The Impossible Row) , crossing some of the most extreme major water basins of Earth such as Barents Sea, Greenland Sea and Drake Passage.
Endurance Athletes:
Fiann offers guidance through the psychological aspects of training and performance, staying away from basics (such as being tough and motivated). Instead he focuses on rarely addressed themes like wounds and personality disorder traits being involved in one’s repertoire of tools for generating success in Ultra Endurance. He helps to find an understanding of the origin of these wounds, their consequences and their potential gifts - if cultivated properly. He explains the complexity of psychological imbalances induced by overly emphasizing/under-nourishing certain aspects of personality often encountered by endurance athletes.
Psychologists and therapists:
Childhood background of Explorers and Endurance Athletes and the Dark Side of the Hero's Journey.
Young men:
Modern day transition into manhood and rites of passage substitutes in nowadays contemporary culture.
general audience:
Indigenous people of the Arctic: History, myth and wisdom of the world's most accomplished pioneers. (download separate presentation)
“A unique, raw lens on the inner reality of extreme performance”
“He poetically weaved the analysis of the traits of the Explorers’ character with the threads of the artifacts of the Antarctic Exploration Era.”
“Fiann presents a fresh look at extraordinary performance and what it means to be human. What makes Fiann unique is that he lives it as an Ultra Endurance athlete and studies it as a psychologist. Best of all, you can apply these insights to go further in your business and personal “explorations”.”
“Who knew our crazy parts are as precious as diamonds? It was a great experience working with Fiann. He is quite a talent, and in so-many-different-ways. Unimaginable ways! He’s one smart cookie, that’s for sure. (Though I doubt he would ever eat a cookie). He graced our stage with his strong sense of discipline, heart, and his own, original brand of crazy.”
“Attending Fiann’s lecture is like watching a magician as he reveals the secrets behind his tricks. Fiann allows his audience to relate the world of the Explorer and Endurance Athlete in a way that motivates and inspires them. His unique and humanizing approach to his lectures makes him both accessible and thoroughly entertaining.”
“There are three conflicts in life that all humans, if they have the courage, must confront - man against man, man against nature, and the most difficult - man against himself. Without the later the first two will remain a mystery. Fiann is the rarest of men. A man with the courage to conquer all three. He is a world renowned endurance athlete, a fine artist and psychologist. Fiann and those rare people who persevered in human history are the reason that humanity exists.”
“There is no better expertise than that of someone who expands the definition of what man is capable of”
“The definition of ‘explorer’, Fiann is on a quest to understand the depths of the human condition. Expect the synergy of psychology, neurology, and explorations from this ultra endurance athlete.”